Community Outreach
Giving Back and Gaining Awareness
School Events
Inspiring Vocation
Maddie started her Mitten March when she was 10 years old. Now, as a college student, Maddie wants to inspire the next generation of kids to find their vocation and get involved with their communities. Below is a link to a list of schools Maddie has visited in the past...
Smith School
Schneider School
Hope D. Wall School
Leman Middle School
McCleery School
Gary School
More at 4 Preschool
If you want Maddie to come and speak to your school, girl/boy scout troop, or other child-centered organization, please contact us!
Maddie's Mitten March would not be where we are today with the support and generosity of our community. Whether this be through donations of time, resources, money, or all three, we want to say thank you.
To see a list of businesses and organizations, click the helping hands or title above.
We've taken steps to expand our reach in terms of growth and awareness through internships. We've had wonderful interns in the past and hope to continue a mutually beneficial relationship with interns in the future. Below are the internship opportunities we have as of 2019...
Social Media/Marketing Intern
Business Intern
If you're interested in becoming an intern, please contact us!